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Terms of Use

Service provided.

The company «Pharmacy Link LTD" is engaged in the provision of online services to pharmacies, and cooperates with pharmacies located in the Greek territory and operates in accordance with the Greek law.

Pharmacy Link works exclusively with pharmacies and enables them to use the website and the custom made web application to widely promote and sell their products.Pharmacy Link provides an easy to use interface which offers consumers the ability to search , browse and order the available products form the partner pharmacies by classifying and presenting them by category, price and location of availability.

From the website of Pharmacy Link the consumers can only search and order the products. The actual sale of the products will be processed exclusively by the selected pharmacies and not directly from Pharmacy Link. The products presented on the website of Pharmacy Link, and sold by the partner pharmacies are cosmetics products and over the counter products (OTC) , sold legally in Greek pharmacies. No prescription medicines are presented in the website of Phamracy Link thus such products are prohibited to be sold online by the Greek law.

User account registration

During the registration process of a new user at the services of Pharmacy Link, certain personal details and information will be enquired. Each user undertakes to : a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information and b) maintain and thoroughly update the information provided.During the registration process and creating an account , it will be asked by the user to select a personal access code (password) and a user name.
The user is solely responsible for all acts performed by the use of his/hers  selected username / password and must preserve this information safe. Pharmacy Link has made available to its users , function through which the user can change the password on their convenience. Also Pharmacy Link advises users to memorize the password and avoid in all times that information to be made accessible to third parties.
In case, that a user desires to delete the account created with Pharmacy Link, the user must send an email with a deletion request to the address: accounts@pharmacylink.gr. It should be noted that in case of deleting a user account all the personal content (e.g. orders, favorites , coupons etc) that was created will be automatically deleted together with his account.
Pharmacy Link reserves the right to suspend or prohibit the use of the services to any user of the site which, in its sole discretion, does not comply with these Terms of Use , including the provision of false registration details . In case of a suspended or prohibited account the user is not allowed to  register again or to use the services of Pharmacy Link without the prior consent of Pharmacy Link.

Buy products

On the website of Pharmacy Link the consumer / user can find a wide variety of cosmetic and over the counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products , which are available from the pharmacies members of Pharmacy Link.Pharmacy Link has divided the products into central categories. Each category has subcategories , which will appear in the sub-menu of “Products” on the main menu, on the linked page of the “Categories” selection in the same menu or/and on the left of the screen in a column titled “PRODUCT CATEGORIES”.The objective of Pharmacy Link is to help the consumer find the products that he/she wishes quickly and successfully .During ordering, the users will receive an automated e-mail, which will report the details of their order. After processing of the order from the "selected" pharmacy , a second confirmatory e-mail will be send with the products that will eventually be shipped. During the course of the order, the user can monitor the progress of their order from the selection of the site "Profile" . If the order of the user incurring any pending, then informed by e-mail from the pharmacy .


1. Pay by credit card.

Payment by credit card can be made only in pharmacies that offer this feature . Pharmacy Link accepts all major credit cards Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Citibank. Transactions through the website of Pharmacy Link protected by secure online systems . In particular Pharmacy Link cooperates with Piraeus Bank and uses the method Redirection of Piraeus Paycenter. 
When the user proceeds with completing his/hers purchase the checkout process will commence on the website of Pharmacy Link and automatically will transfer to the special secure payment page Piraeus Paycenter, where the user is informed of the total amount to be charged to his credit card and will have to enter the credit card details of his choice. The processing of payment will be made ​​safely from Piraeus Paycenter, which automatically will inform the selected pharmacy. The user is automatically returned to the website of Pharmacy Link to complete where they will be informed of the completion of the transaction and final details of the order.
For credit card purchases , the user follows the instructions in the corresponding page of the selection "Buying Process” on the header of the website. The user will be asked to fill out the order form and the number and the expiration date of his credit card. The user selects to pay by credit card must personally receive their order , presenting the credit card used and ID. In this case (ie, payment by credit card ) may not be receiving orders from a third party. In this case (ie, payment by credit card ) the pharmacist or the courier may refuse to deliver the order to a third party. If the order is placed for a company then the credit card used must be issued for the relevant company. Also at delivery only the authorized holder can receive the order presenting the credit card and ID.

2. Pay via Paypal:

You can use your PayPal account to pay for your order. After completing your order and starting the checkout process on the website of Pharmacy Link you can select from the list of options to pay via Paypal. This will re-directed you to the secure online trading system of Paypal where you can pay with your credit card through your account Paypal. The payment through Paypal-Credit or Debit Card is fully automated and is usually completed within a few minutes. During this process none of your personal information (including credit card number ) will be stored by PharmacyLink.gr

3 . Cash on delivery.

The user pays the employee of the courier company that collaborates with Pharmacy Link on site of the delivery of his order. The method of payment on delivery applies only for Greece and it cost 2,50€.

4 . Collection and payment of your order at the selected pharmacy :

In the final stage of checkout , the user can select “Collect order from the pharmacy” as shipping method and “Payment at the pharmacy" for payment method . If the order is completed until 15:00 and all products are available, then it will be available at the chosen pharmacy on the next business day. The order will remain at the chosen pharmacy for two (2) days. The user will pay the order at the pharmacy. If the user wishes to pay the order with a credit card, it will be charged at the pharmacy . The credit card along with an ID (or passport ) are required for this transaction.

5. By bank transfer :

the user can remit the corresponding amount of his order to the bank account of the pharmacy as it appears during the checkout process. A copy of the bank receipt mast be sent to the pharmacy via fax or email. Upon receipt of the copy of the bank receipt and after the amount appears on the account of the pharmacy, the order will be prepared and send to the user.